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Friday, August 1, 2014

The Spawn of Spahn

On August 16th, 1969 (exactly one week after the first of a two night killing spree involving several members) Spahn's Movie Ranch was raided on suspicion of auto theft and several other less murder-y charges. Over 100 police officers arrived early in the morning and arrested many members of the "Manson Family" and removed several children to be placed in the care of the state of California. Between this day and the raid on Barker ranch, in which Manson and other members were taken into custody (once again for auto and dune buggy theft, they hadn't quite caught on to the big stuff yet) 10 children were removed from the family. A couple were eventually returned to their parents and many were adopted and given a second chance at life without the memories of the Family. These are only 7 of the many spawn of Spahn. 

Manson's Children

Charles Milles Manson: Born in 1956 to first wife Rosalie Jean Willis, committed suicide in 1993.

Charles Luther Manson: Born April 10, 1968 to second wife Leona Rae "Candy" Stevens, since disappeared.

Michael Brunner: Born "Valentine Michael Manson" and nicknamed Pooh-Bear and Sunstone Hawk, on April 15, 1968 to Mary Brunner (the first member of the Manson family).

Children born to other members of the family

Angel: Born in March of 1970. Son of Linda Kasabian, father unknown (3 possible fathers according to Kasabian were Manson, Charles "Tex" Watson, and her ex-husband whom she left to live on the ranch).

Zezozose Zadfrack Glutz: Born October 7, 1968 to Susan Atkins (AKA Sadie Mae Glutz), poor baby Glutz was adopted once Susan was incarcerated and renamed Paul. His fathers identity isn't certain but Atkins has stated that half his genes can be attributed to the one and only Bruce Hall (another family member).

Ivan: Born September 16, 1969 to Sandra Good. Good has said the father could be either Manson or a boyfriend by the name of Joel Pugh.

Phoenix: Born January 5, 1971 to Manson Family members Catherine "Gypsy" Share and Steven "Clem" Grogan.

CNN interviews the grandson of Charles Manson (son of Charles M. Manson Jr.) and Matthew Roberts, the man who thought he MIGHT be the son of Manson and concludes with a fun trip to the DNA testing office.. Enjoy! 


  1. I came across this accidentally. I am going to check it out.

    1. 2 years later searching for more info i came across this also
