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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Sadie and the Champ

This photo is not evidence of anything criminal, just kind of funny and coincidental. Arnold Schwarzenegger visited the high school of none other than Susan Atkins, standing directly to the left of her (from our view) and they took a very cool and happy photo together.


  1. Replies
    1. The way that I wrote her position was incorrect, thank you for bringing that to my attention. She is to his left (our right). However if I was wrong in any other aspect I am always eager to find new sources of information or understand why I am wrong, feel free to share

  2. Not high school. Susan Atkins by then was incarcerated. Arnold back in the 80s would do bodybuilding seminars in prisons for both men and women. This pic was most likely the early ro mid 80s.
