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Monday, March 31, 2014

Heavens Gate Initiation Video

The following videos were used as an initiation/recruitment tool for members of the Heavens Gate cult and Marshal Applewhite to spread the word of their beliefs and their eschatological theories. I do apologize that part 8 is missing, it sucked down some kool-aid and ascended to a level above YouTube.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Bruce Davis: The whiny baby of the Manson Family

Bruce Davis is in prison. He is in prison for murder and conspiracy to commit murder. It is because of this man and his friends hat two other men are not alive. However, he did not act alone. Davis was a member of the “Manson Family” but remains less known because, unlike Tex Watson, Susan Atkins, Linda Kasabian, Patricia Krenwinkel, Leslie Van Houten and Steve Grogan, he was not present at the highly publicized Tate-LaBianca Murders. Unfortunately those were not the only murders committed by the Manson family.
             At the ripe old age of 71 there is a chance that Davis may not be in prison for much longer. On March 12, 2014 he was recommended for parole (he is serving a life sentence) for good behavior. The governor, Jerry Brown, has 30 days to review and either accept or reverse the decision. This is the third time Davis has been granted parole but the last two times he was shot down faster than you can say “Helter Skelter”, once by gov. Jerry Brown in 2012 and once by gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2010. The reason I share his story is because, not unlike Lizzie Borden or the West Memphis Three, there are two opposing views on Davis’ involvement in these murders and whether or not he deserved the sentence he was given.

My understanding of the Hinman murder goes like this:

            July 25th, 1969 Bobby Beausoleil, Susan Atkins (god, where ISNT she?) and Mary Brunner all take a stroll over to Gary Hinman’s house because he sold them some bad mescaline (because there is good mescaline?) and they just had to talk about it or something. After this long drawn out fight somehow they find out that he just inherited $20,000, AKA enough money for those bitches to bathe in patchouli oil and be “free spirits” for the next hundred years. So when Manson hears of this news, clearly something must be done. The plan was to convince him to join the family and in doing so he would be giving them his inheritance and whatever vehicles he had (all a part of losing your ego to contribute to becoming one with each other). Short story long, they get back over there and Hinman was just not into it. Within a day or so Charles Manson and Bruce Davis (finally, I know) show up at his house, the others still there. Charlie walks up to him with a SWORD and slices him in the face and ear nearly cutting it clean off. Hinman yells at them all to leave, so Charlie and Bruce leave because apparently their work is done. Charlie taking their car and Bruce stealing one of Garys. Mary and susan use DENTAL FLOSS to stitch his ear back together, no one has ever been able to explain why. The entire nightmare is put to an end on July 27th when Bobby Beausoleil stabs him in the chest and he dies. His blood is used to paint the words “Political Piggy” on the wall along with a paw print, all done in an attempt to mislead police in thinking it was a crime committed by black panthers.

The gruesome murder of Gary Hinman is said by many to be the reason those 7 died august 9th and 10th and Shorty Shea soon after. Bobby Beausoleil was arrested August 6th, with murders matching Hinman’s (level of brutality, writing on the wall) Manson may have thought these would prove Beausoleil’s innocence and they would have to set him free. Well we all know how that worked out.

Next up, Donald (Shorty) Shea:

            August 16th 1969, exactly one week after the Tate murders, there was a raid on Spahn ranch where the family lived due to suspicion of car theft. This raid left Manson so shook up he thought that someone at the ranch had to have said something. Days after the raid, he decided to blame it on the ranch hand/stuntman Donald “Shorty” Shea.  (Now, the reason we know that it was Charlies idea is because we are all supposed to take Bruce Davis’ word for it so keep that in mind because you’ll really get to see how that plays in in a few sentences.) So he tells Davis, Tex and Steve Grogan to ask Shorty for a ride into town and then just like wing it or whatever. So they’re in the pickup, Steve in the front, the other two in the back. Tex hits him over the head with a pipe, Steve starts stabbing him and Bruce sits there in the back like a good boy. Then they took him to a hill behind the ranch and stepped and tortured him to death (by they I mean Tex and Steve of course) while Brice remained in the car for a while until he came out and then, after Shorty was dead, cut him on the shoulder with a knife “but he didn’t bleed”. What a gentle soul.

Shea was not found until 1977. Bruce Davis retold his story at every parole hearing about how he was sick for days over what he had done and what they did to this human being, denying him the most basic right to live. But not allowing his family to bury him or have the comfort in knowing he has passed away and is not lost somewhere or hurt for 11 YEARS, that’s just fine.